Wahl’s SIFCA Nose Blocks Survive 5.6 Million Tons of Clinker

Slurry Infiltrated Castable Technology (SIFCA), a highly reinforced refractory concrete for the production of precast shapes.

Slurry Infiltrated Castable Technology (SIFCA), a highly reinforced refractory concrete for the production of precast shapes.In March 1981, Wahl Refractory Solutions patented its innovative Slurry Infiltrated Castable Technology (SIFCA), a highly reinforced refractory concrete for the production of precast shapes. Since then, SIFCA has been used successfully in many applications and industries worldwide. At elevated temperatures SIFCA precast shapes replace conventional refractory, cast iron and stainless steel parts with extreme resistance to thermal shock, mechanical abrasion and high impact wear. SIFCA precast shapes, such as a nose block assembly, can be bolted to the kiln shell the same as the steel or cast iron it is replacing. The first SIFCA Nose Ring was installed in a cement kiln in the late 1980s. Over the past three decades, Wahl has perfected its nose ring design and refractory materials to provide the most cost-effective solution for cement kiln applications of today. Along with providing increased wear performance and longevity in service, they have a unique modular block design that allows an installation time of less than 30 minutes per block.

Case in point: In April 2012, Wahl installed a SIFCA Nose Ring in a 6.6-m kiln producing 12,000 mtpd clinker. A recent inspection in December 2013 revealed an average remnant thickness of 175 mm after 5.6 million tons of clinker produced. This inspection demonstrates that the SIFCA Nose Ring could last two years in this kiln, doubling the life of the adjacent kiln brick, notes the manufacturer.

With more than 30 years of experience, and over 100 SIFCA Nose Block installations worldwide, Wahl has the solution for the difficult applications in the modern cement kilns of today.

Wahl Refractory Solutions LLC, www.wahlref.com


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